Founder Principal


Founder Principal

our-mission In horizon of my dreams, I drew a rainbow of multicoloured imagination to make shrine of goddess Saraswati. Since commencement of St. Angel’s School in 1992, each day has enumerated luminous page of the epic of arduous journey. In the life of any school 25 years is, really a record of legitimate pride. Celebration of Silver Jubilee is really a celebrative milestone in the journey of our vision.

I look back with a satisfying feeling both in academics and co-curricular. This year, too has been a year of unprecedented success. With experienced and dedicated teachers and excellent infrastructure, our school is a podium of profound progress for pupils. I believe, each day of our lives, we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. So, I respect the uniqueness of each child. We, as educators offer opportunity to them to churn their latent talent in disciplined manner.
St, Angel’s is oriented to bolster the physical, emotional, social and cultural need of the students. We are very conscious of the fact that emotional stability plays a very significant role in the healthy growth of the child. We achieve this through more interaction and one to one rapport with our student. Dear parents you, too, are ultimate role model for children. Please store good memory in their mind.
Good grooming and talent complement each other. ‘Like birds of same feather, they stay together.’
I extend heartfelt admiration to my cohesive team of dedicated teachers, whose infinite energy transforms every striving effort into a stupendous success. I am also thankful to the parents for rendering their unrestricted support in my entire endeavour.

Thank You
MRS. SEEMA BHARDWAJ(Founder Principal)